George (Szjya) Shainfarber

Czerniewicz, Poland

George and his father Jacob were the sole survivors of their family that included his mother Sarah, sister Szajndla, grandparents Rabbi Jacob and Chava Lewinski, aunts, uncles and cousins. George and Jacob were on the last transport to Auschwitz. From there he was sent to Friedland and Jacob to Wüste Gerstdorf. 

After liberation Jacob walked for days until he miraculously found his son. Later, George studied electronics in Germany and then went to the United States in 1950. Jacob followed in 1951. 

George married Edna Guberman and had two daughters and six grandchildren. On behalf of his family he felt obligated to speak as a witness to the horrors perpetrated on the Jewish people. His stories deeply affected many high school students.


Ida Schmidt-Chait


Marsha (Masha Leikach) Tishler