Zosia Brodeckis

Sosnowiec, Poland

I was born in Sosnowiec, Poland where my father owned a candy factory. The last time I saw my parents and younger brother, Lolek, is when I was 12 and forced onto a cattle car with other Jewish Polish children. 

My mother told me “You are going to survive and you are going to tell the story.” I survived imprisonment in five concentration camps as well as forced labor in a munitions factory. Through the kindness of others, I survived. I met my husband and we were married in a DP Camp. We were able to realize this dream of coming to the U.S. in 1949. 

We are blessed to have a wonderful family – 4 children, many grandchildren and one great-grandchild. I never met a person I didn’t like. There’s kindness everywhere.


Leo Bretholtz


Jacques (Karpik) Fein