Rose Rozga

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Malka Seporah (Rose) Lewin born September 3, 1927 in Luxembourg, was the 7th child born to Selma and Max Lewin. They were shop owners of a confiserie. Our mother didn’t speak much about the Holocaust, but we did know that she was grateful for the miracle of having kids after what she went through while interned at Ravensbrück and Majdanek. 

After liberation she returned to Luxembourg and was reunited with her parents and 5 of her 6 siblings. After WWII she went to visit her aunt and uncle in Israel. They introduced her to Abram Rozga. They married in 1952 and had three children, Selma, Esther and Max. Mommy was unassuming, positive, upbeat, soft-spoken and kind to all she met. Nothing was more import to her than her family.


Paul Rosenbaum


Alfred Avraham Schmidt