Tosia Fallmann Lederberger

Tarnow, Poland

Tosia Fallmann-Lederberger was born in Tarnow, Poland on March 6, 1911, the youngest child of Simcha and Fanny Fallmann. In 1933 she went to agricultural school in Palestine. 

A year later a telegram came that her mother was very ill. She went to Poland intending to return to Palestine. Her mother died shortly after her arrival and her sister died during childbirth soon afterwards. She remained in Tarnow to be with her brother. 

On March 7, 1939 she married Salomon Lederberger and her daughter Felicia was born in March 1940. In 1942, she and Felicia were smuggled out of the ghetto and lived as Catholic Poles. In 1944, Salomon joined them and they found shelter with a Polish peasant, where they remained until liberation in the spring of 1945.


Howard Kaidanow


Max (Kuris) Leikach