Luba Fryz Teitelbaum

Kozienice, Poland

My mother, Luba Fryz Teitelbaum was born on November 15, 1919, in Kozienice (Kozhnitz), Poland to Yisroel Yitzchak and Golda (Adler) Frysz. She was the next to the youngest of six children. She loved learning, quoted Tanach, taught herself French, attended Tarbut and had deep feelings for the destiny of the Jewish people. 

By 1942, after most of the people in Kozienice had been deported to Treblinka, my mother was transported to Skarzits-Komiena, then to the Czestochova concentration camp from where she and her sister were liberated, the only survivors of their entire family. 

She and my father Moses Teitelbaum were married in 1948. They settled in Baltimore and owned grocery stores. My mother is sorely missed but never forgotten.


Steven Vogel


Vilma Vogel