Paul Zippert

Frankfort, Germany

Paul Zippert was born in Stuttgart, Germany September 9, 1920 to Moritz and Helene Zippert. He graduated unterschule and started a trade of tool and die making. 

One day there was a knock on the door, and Moritz was taken to an internment camp and released for an unknown reason. Paul, at the age of 16, was sent to England and from there to Baltimore. In 1949 he was drafted into the U.S. Army and became a brace maker. Through a distant cousin, Henry Morgenthau, they got paperwork to get his father, mother and sister out, just days before the borders of Germany closed. 

Moritz changed his name to Max and had a small candy business. Paul started a brace making business. He met Bertl at a seder and they were married for 54 years.


Ignacy (Yitzhack) Zynger


Bertl Zippert